The Dr. med. Jean Pierre Elsig Practice

In our Orthopaedics & Orthopaedic Surgery Practice in Küsnacht, the human musculoskeletal system is the focus of our interest.

Spine and joints are subjected to large loads every day. These can cause pain and trigger problems in the musculoskeletal system, which greatly

restrict quality of life.

Our aim is to find solutions, which minimise or relieve the physical disability and/or mechanical constraints and restore people's quality of life.In order to achieve this aim, ascertaining the correct diagnosis is crucially important.

The preparatory steps set the standard for the correct treatment

The dialogue between doctor and patient forms the basis for the diagnosis – apart from the preliminary medical clarification – and lays the 

groundwork for the individual method of treatment.The treatment does not necessarily lead to an operation. Conservative forms of therapy, such as 

physiotherapy with back training sessions and pain medicine take precedence. Only when conservative measures are no longer effective is surgical 

treatment discussed.

Interdisciplinary approach

A matter of great importance to us is our collaboration with doctors and technicians specialising in the following disciplines:







As a result of the communicating of different points of view, interdisciplinary exchanges usually prove to be enriching for our own work.

Learn more about us and our treatment methods on the following pages.

For more information or to make an appointment please contact my team who will be pleased to assist..

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